Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

I don't talk about it much, but I believe in God. I don't try to persuade anyone else because I think God can handle that without me. If He chooses to use me for that purpose I believe I will have as much choice in the matter as Jonah did. I also believe that Faith is one of the greatest of the many gifts that God has given to Man. One aspect of Faith is gratitude for prayers not yet answered.

This year I give thanks for a Nation still united following our election, the orderly transition of power, and the return of civil discourse in American Politics.

I have come to understand that most of the people who disagree with me politically are not evil, neither are they stupid. They may be wrong but on rare occasions I have been too. In the words of Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan: "We always did feel the same, we just saw it from a different point of view"

So eat some turkey, watch some football, and send the kids out on the lawn.
