Friday, February 15, 2013

Raw Blog

10:08 PM 2/15/2013

I've actually been logging this week.  It's been a busy week.  I almost have an excuse for not having this posted by 4:45 this afternoon.  I will have it posted before Friday is over however.  I will probably clean it up some, but I think it's going to pretty much as it happened.  I started just after midnight Tuesday morning:

12:14 AM 2/12/2013

Happy Mardi Gras!

I missed another blog.  Had I posted Friday I would have mentioned that it was two years and one week until I can retire.  Sometime Saturday I said to myself "d'OH!  I meant to blog last night!" I started thinking about the title "A Dollar Short," but didn't do anything with it.  

Now it's Monday night (Tuesday morning, actually..., for the past 23 minutes) and I'm typing this.  When I started thinking about this I was going to mention that I had a cat scratching at my door (that would be Tipsy) but she got bored and left.  Then I was going to mention that I had a dog pacing outside, because she doesn't like the thunder.  (She's back, because the rain has picked up again.)

Anyway,  that's what's going on with me on Fat Tuesday morning, when I'm planning to post this on Friday, at which time I will have exactly two years until I can retire.

5:27 AM 2/14/2013

This may turn out to be a real web LOG.  It's Thursday morning, and my alarm radio will start in about 2 minutes (probably to Stevie Ray Vaughn.)  Was at the office until 7:30 last night, got to bed early.  Was hoping (but doubtful) that I could get an early start today and maybe get a handle on things.  That's looking more promising.  (There goes the radio.  Now I'm just waiting for the coffee pot.  There's Stevie Ray at 5:32 AM)

10:28 PM 2/14/2013

I'm a procrastinator.  Actually I prefer to think of it as "creative prioritization."  That's why it annoys me to have to be the one to call down these folks on waiting until the last minute to file their campaign finance reports.  

10:36 PM 2/15/2013

So now I'm back to Friday night.  Didn't have much to say, but it appears I used quite a few words to say it.  I actually managed to leave the office before 6:30 tonight.  Maybe I'll blog about that sometime.  But now I can retire in 730 days (or 2 years, or 104 weeks, or 17,520 hours, or 1,051,200 minutes, or 63,072,000 seconds.  Probably a little less than that.  The seconds are tickin'.)  So you kids get off my lawn.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Two Years, Two Weeks.

Then I can retire.  I can't wait.  Two years is the blink of an eye.  Time is a barreling steamroller.  It's headed right for you, there's no stopping it, and it's gonna leave you as flat as Wile E. Coyote.

It's been one of those weeks.  I think I say that every week, but I think I mean it this week even more than most.  And that's from working a day and a half.

I started the week by taking Monday off to have what was left of the wisdom tooth I've been whining about, (... I'm not sure I've been whining HERE, but I've been whining ...) 17 my dentist calls it, removed.  I chose the fourth Monday because the second Monday wasn't available, my dentist is up near my Lodge, and being the new Secretary I figured I could take care of some business and get my desk in order, and maybe get out of the meeting at a decent hour.  That all worked out pretty well.  Except that last bit.

I'm sure I've mentioned that this is a "busy season" at work.  Annual and Supplemental Campaign Finance reports are due February 15th.  As the deadline draws nearer (two weeks now) the calls pick up.

I went in late on Tuesday.  Had to wait for the pharmacy to open, needed to pick up an antibiotic for my tooth.  BTW, the extraction went very well, all things considered.  I'm just lucky I guess.  I was lucky at work as well, I only had 10 voicemails when I got there.  I think a couple more came in while I was checking those, and they kept me busy all day.  I got over my control-freakishness, and figured out the best way to share the wealth with the rest of the IT staff (both of 'em) so we got all the calls returned.

Tuesday was also my mother's birthday.  She's 95.  I tried about 4 times to call, but got a fast busy signal.  But she wouldn't have been able to hear me anyway, and she has probably received my card by now.  I learned from the radio Tuesday that she shares a birthday with W. C. Fields.  I found that interesting because I mention Fields in the blog I started writing New Year's Eve, with the intention of using January 11th, and was going to use today if this thing hadn't started rolling.  She always told me she shared a birthday with Thomas Edison.  But I just checked Wikipedia, and they say he was born Feb. 11.  That's my momma.

I think I have also mentioned that I'm in the middle of moving, which is a joy untold.  I took Wednesday off to further recuperate from the tooth and continue packing for the move.  I didn't feel like I accomplished much but I guess we moved a lot of stuff.

Thursday (which is today as I write this) I went to work (got there almost on time to everyone's surprise) and returned calls.  I came home early to let the dog out and do more packing.  Didn't accomplish much.

And Friday begins Grand Lodge.  I've taken the whole day off.  I need to take the dog to the vet, a load to the country, and be back in town for Grand Lodge about noonish.  

This is a long blog, and I haven't done anything but whine about my week.  There can't possibly be anybody out there that actually enjoys reading this.  Can there?

Anyway, I can retire in 744 days, so you kids get off my lawn!

(This is not a political statement.)
(Really.  It's not.)