Sunday, February 15, 2015



I can now begin my post-retirement career. As I mentioned yesterday I spent over 16 years with the Louisiana Ethics Administration Program.  For more than 10 of those I was Chief Cook and Bottle Washer for the IT Department.  I was the IT Department.  Then it was decided there was too much work for one person and they needed somebody else to run it.

They were right, and that's the best thing that ever happened to me.  If I had been picked I would have been an "Agency Head," and I would be prohibited for 2 years from assisting anyone, for compensation, in a transaction with my former agency.  But I wasn't, and I'm not.

I just started a new blog, which should post at the same time this does.  You can find it at  I created it under this Rasputin ID.  I made my other Google ID an author, but I think it still shows up as Rasputin.  I'll deal with it. 

What I really did for the Ethics Administration Program, both before and after they hired a real IT staff, was technical support for electronically filed Campaign Finance reports.  That's what my other blog will be about.

It's an election year here in Louisiana.  I have 16 years of experience with Campaign Finance reporting requirements and softward.  I'm available.  So if you're thinking about running for office, or you know someone who is, you might want to give me a call.

So, let me see... I've been retired since midnight, Letterman will retire in 94 days, I can reasonably expect to live another 8225.  (That's 22 years, 6 months, 8 days.  When I look at it in days it's really depressing, since I've been blogging for 1024 days.  But it is 710,640,000 seconds.  That doesn't help.)

You kids get off my lawn.

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