Sunday, February 8, 2015


It's Sunday.  A week from now I'll be retired.  (And it looks like I may have this posted at the usual time.)  If I start Writing multiple blogs, I think that on Sundays I'll blog about serious things.  Like Religion.  Or Masonry.

I may have mentioned somewhere along the way that I'm a Mason.  I have a card that says "Take a Good Look at YOURSELF * You're SomeBody's IMPRESSION Of MASONRY."  (I use it as a book mark in a "Masonic Lectures" booklet.  It's currently marking the Fellow Craft Lecture.  I should probably be studying that instead of writing this.)

In his first message to the membership, our newly installed Grand Master has said:  "You need to examine your reason(s) for becoming a Mason and how you live your life and practice the purpose and lessons of Masonry.... Others should see Masonry through you and how you act."

No pressure there....

In a way I regret ever mentioning it.  I want to be my usual smartass self in this blog.  But since I'm known to be a Mason, I have to give more consideration to what I say.  I'm not even sure expressions like "smartass" are appropriate.  But that's who I am.  Then, Masonry is a big part of who I am.  I couldn't be me in this blog if I left it out.  I think I've also mentioned that I'm pretty good at being a bad example.

There are two things we don't discuss in Lodge:  Religion and Politics.  As I said yesterday I'm looking forward to blogging about Religion and Politics.  We'll see how that works out.  Actually, the forbidden subjects would be more accurately described as SECTARIAN Religion and PARTISAN Politics, and the reason they are forbidden is their tendency to disrupt the peace and harmony of the Lodge.  As I say, we'll see.

Anyway, I will be retired in seven days.  YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!!

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