Monday, February 9, 2015


It's Monday morning.  I guess I'm going to have to get used to not going to work.  Maybe I'll blog instead.  I figure Monday will be a good day to blog about politics, or my post-retirement career.

Let's see, what subjects have I threatened to cover?  Religion, Politics, Freemasonry..., and of course I'll continue to be a smartass.  And whine a lot.  What else?

Technology, there's another subject.  I can do a lot of whining there.  For example, I have an iPhone 4.  (Yes, I know the 6 is out.)  I use an app from Chase to keep up with my bank account.  Recently I tried to check my balance, and was told I had to upgrade to the latest app.  That didn't bother me much, since it's a banking app and security is pretty important, but I couldn't upgrade the app until I upgraded iOS.

I really dislike iOS 7.  No, that's not true, I HATE iOS 7.  I don't understand why these technology vendors think it's a good idea to constantly change user interfaces.  Different is not the same as better.  Different is not even necessarily the same as new.

Oh well, that's the sort of whining you can look forward to.  Excited?  Me neither.

But I will be retired 6 days from now.


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