I actually started on my main topic two weeks ago, but I had already planned the Chicken Wing post, so I was going to do this last week. But I didn't, so I'm doing it now. It started out as a rant, but I think I've calmed down. We'll see how it goes. I had also thought of some "this week" stuff to throw in, but it escapes me at the moment. Perhaps it will come to me before the final draft.
Okay, as I started cleaning up the second draft I thought I remembered my "this week" stuff, but it's gone again. It's hell gettin' old. But it's around here somewhere, it even flitted through my brain as I was typing the last sentence, so I'm sure if I keep looking it'll turn up.
Ah HAH! It's not much, but it's something. It may be all I had. I'll type it out and see what I get. I can always revert to the first draft. But the title of this week's blog (which of course is "Last Week's Blog,") reminds me (and was subconsciously inspired by) an organization called the Procrastinators' Club International (which, 30 years ago at least, published "Last Month's Newsletter.") I have yet to find anything I can identify as a club website, but I'm sure they'll get around to it. There is what looks to me like a 90s style newgroup at http://procrastinators.org/, which seems appropriate, along with the most recent post dated 1/20/2014.
The best information I can find in a cursory Internet search indicates the club was founded in 1956, but I learned of it about 50 years ago on a TV game show called "To Tell The Truth," and decided at that time that I would join just as soon as I got around to it.
I guess I should get around to it, but I have a plan. If I can ever discover what a Life Membership costs, I want to purchase one in my will. That should earn me a place in Procrastination History (if anyone ever gets around to writing it.)
Okay, so much for the second draft. I think I'll keep it. The first paragraph, and everything after this one (with one minor edit) are straight from the first draft. I need to find a picture for this, but other than that I think I'm finished.
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Turner Field Image added 8/23/2015 |
Two weeks ago I went to visit my brother in Conyers, Georgia. (This is the brother I previously visited in the-middle-of-nowhere Alabama.) I had planned to go over on Thursday but something came up, so Friday morning I put his address into the Google Maps app on my iPhone, and took off.
So I start off fine, and I'm cruising east down Interstate 20, and somewhere around Bessemer, Alabama Google tells me to take I-459. Being a 21st Century Man I do as I'm told by the cold, female voice of The Computer. (After all, What Would Kirk Do?) But being me I reach over and pick up the phone, just to check, and see a pop-up message that says something to the effect of (I can't get it back of course) "Save an hour, stay on 20!"
Gee, thanks. That might have been helpful before I took the exit YOU TOLD ME TO TAKE!!!
Now that I'm sitting calmly at a computer, as opposed to driving down an Interstate Highway looking at a phone, I can see that 459 is the bypass around Birmingham (and probably the better route, judging from the stories I've heard about driving through Birmingham) but I was clueless at the time. I had an Emotionless Feminine Computer Voice telling me what to do and 29.3 miles later I'm merging onto I-20 East toward Atlanta. I'm good, just under the impression that I will arrive an hour later than I could have.
So I cruise along toward Atlanta, safe in the hands of The Computer, under the impression that Conyers is a suburb of Atlanta (which it is, about 15 miles on the other side) and vaguely aware that Atlanta is big. (Yes, I've been there before, but I've slept since then.)
So I'm coming into Atlanta (and I'm getting old, my hearing ain't what it used to be, especially for Cold Feminine Computer Voices) and the phone says something that sounds to me like "use the right three lanes to keep left," so I look at the phone and see a message about the exit I'm about to pass, so I exit. My fault. Should have read the directions before I left. But I blame Google. (I'm a man, that's what I do.)
But now she begins to babble about making turns that don't exist, so I get to a light and let her calm down and direct me back to the freeway. I think she just wanted me to see Turner Field (and I'm just grateful it wasn't a game day.)
And I got to Conyers without further incident (worth mentioning anyway.) Thus endeth the first draft of last week's blog. Perhaps I'll think of what I wanted to say this week in time for a second draft. Perhaps not. Either way...
Okay, "What Would Kirk Do" ...? Well, not blindly follow instructions from his computer. But I'm sure it would have been something equally foolish, from which he would have escaped through dumb luck.