Friday, November 16, 2012

Rushing again

8:08 PM 11/16/2012

Rushing again to get something written by midnight.  I actually wrote a little blog post at work (... on my lunch hour..., yeah ..., that's the ticket....) but I didn't post it.  Forgot to sent it home, too.  Wasn't very good anyway, but probably better than this one.

Last week I said I started to blog something about work, but by the time I got around to it I couldn't remember.  I had spoken to a former candidate for Mayor earlier in the day (I will not mention the city to protect the innocent) who actually inquired about my blog.  Since he was going to be reading (or at least lead me to believe he would..., he was a politician after all) I felt obligated to actually post something.

I also mentioned that I would be at a York Rite Festival the next day.  Someone there actually mentioned reading this.  Go figure.

People READ this?  Maybe I oughtta pay more attention to what I write.


It's 8:16 PM, so I have a little while left to post this.  I'll see if I think of anything more interesting to say.

9:18 PM: Nothin' yet.

I think I did mention in the one I wrote earlier that I hadn't felt well for most of the week.  Excuses, excuses.  Sounds like whining to me, so I'm sorry I repeated it here.

I also mentioned that my dog (Alexia..., I call her Lexi) was home after spending the weekend at the vet.  I couldn't find a good picture but I'll post one soon.  She's a German Shepherd, close to 120 pounds, and starting her second decade.  I'm afraid age is catching up with her, but she'll always be my puppy.  I didn't start feeling better until she got home.  Go figure.

Well, it's 9:24 PM and I think I'll post this now.  I don't think it's gonna get any better.

I should be able to retire in 821 days, and you kids get off my lawn.

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