Friday, November 9, 2012


How did that happen?  It's 10:36 PM on 11/9/2012, and I'm determined to post something to my blog while it's still Friday.

Have I mentioned that I'm a Mason?  Well, if all the aprons, Templar uniforms, etc. on my Facebook page weren't a giveaway, I am.  I just got back from a York Rite meeting.  We were actually able to open and elect officers for next year.  Our many thanks to the two Companions from the Downtown York Rite Bodies who visited this evening and made us legal.  I will exemplify my thanks by not mentioning their names in this blog, as I know they would be loathe to be associated with it (if they knew of its existance.)

I have to be in Hammond at 8:00 AM to confer the Mark Master Degree, so I should keep this short.  But that's why I became a Mason.  I love degree work.  I have since I was a Scout, in the Order of the Arrow (when we called it Ceremonial Work.  Same thing.)

I remember the last Order of the Arrow Ceremony I did.  It was an Ordeal Ceremony, and I was Allowat Sakima.  Probably the only time I was EVER Allowat Sakima.  I was always Meteu.  I was also 21.  I was too old to do ceremonies.  But they didn't have anyone else to do it and my arm didn't take a lot of twisting.

There were two Scout Leaders who took their Ordeal that weekend.  After the Ceremony they mentioned to me that I would really enjoy being a Mason.  I didn't realize at the time, though I should have, that that was as close as they could get to asking me to join.  It took another 27 years, but I found out they were right.

I was going to skate over where the ice is thin, and talk about work today, but I don't remember what I was going to say about that.  It's just as well.  I feel better after writing the above paragraphs.  I'm not even thinking about politics.

It's 10:52 PM and it looks like I might have this posted by 11.  I'll be able to retire in 828 days, so you kids get off of my lawn.

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