I really didn't plan to blog this week, but I have a funny* story to relate.
As I mentioned previously this is the week candidates qualify to run for office in Louisiana. A three day period that I have been planning on for over four years, so of course it caught me completely unawares.
First, let me mention that I have started listening to talk radio over the past few years. There is an afternoon program called the Jim Engster show that covers Louisiana politics among other things.
On Tuesday I was sitting in the Lobby of the building where the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court has a branch office, waiting to accost candidates who qualified. (Don't ask how that worked out for me.)
As I was watching the elevators and trying my best not to look like a creepy stalker who is about to be on the six o'clock new, I noticed a guy walking across the lobby who, I thought, looked a lot like Jim Engster. I even looked him up on my phone. There was quite a resemblance but the publicity picture was smiling. I thought to myself "surely his studio isn't in THIS building. Surely I would have known that." (And I almost NEVER call myself Shirley.)
I saw this guy a couple more times during the day. He even walked by and spoke to me. I'm sure he was trying to figure out what the creepy bald dude was doing in his lobby.
Anyway, as I left for the day, I noticed a paper sign on a glass door that said "Jim Engster Show Guests use main entrance" (or words to that effect.) Then I listened to him on the way home.
Now, (it's Thursday afternoon,) I'm about to head back over there from McDonald's and continue beating my head against that wall. I won't see Jim Engster because he has a guest host this afternoon.
So until my next blog, you kids get off my lawn!
*Funny is a subjective term. In this context read "something I find mildly amusing."