Friday, June 14, 2013


I have a subscription to Esquire Magazine.  I don't know why.

No, seriously.  I have no idea why, or how, I receive Esquire magazine each month.  I haven't subscribed to a magazine in nearly a decade.

Many years ago, when I was a single man, I did subscribe to a couple of publications.  If I recall correctly they may have featured photographs of pretty girls.  I got married and, by and by, didn't bother to send a check when I received renewal notices, and they stopped appearing in the mail.

Except for one.

One of them (FHM I think) ceased publication.  I got a card in the mail listing several magazines from the same publisher, asking me to send it back so they could finish out my subscription with the one I chose.

I didn't.

Spin magazine began arriving in the mail.  Go figger.  (There may have been another magazine that appeared for a while, I'm not sure now.)  Last year I may have (not sure about this either) received a card telling me that Spin was going out of print.  Or there may have been a note with my first Esquire telling me it was fulfilling my Spin subscription.  Anyway, some time last year Esquire started appearing in the mail.

Earlier this year I moved.  An issue or two of Esquire was forwarded by the post office.  Then I got one with a note attached telling me the forwarding time for magazines was up, and I should notify the publishers of my new address.

I didn't.

The mailing label on the June/July 2013 Esquire has my current address.  Go figger.

As long as they want to keep sending magazines for free, I'm good with it.  My wife, on the other hand, knowing of my pathological inability to dispose of any printed material whatsover, ain't so thrilled.

I don't usually even open, much less read, them.  When I was thinking about writing a blog last week I looked over and saw this magazine sitting there, sealed in the mailing wrapper.  The spine reads "HOW TO BE A MAN."  I thought I might read that article and get inspired with some smartass remarks.  Turns out it's a "theme" to the entire issue.  Who has time for that?

Maybe I will in 611 days.  Until then stay off my lawn.

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