Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Birthday, Puppy Dog

This is Alexia.  I call her Lexi.  I thought I had a picture of her face, but I guess she moved.  It was just a blur.  She turned 12 on Monday.  (I took the picture on her birthday, before leaving for work.) Since Bandit has been getting all the blog time, I thought it was time to Lexi got some attention.  They tell me the odds of her being with us another 12 years are pretty slim, but I choose not to believe that.  She's a good dog.  As I point out to my wife, we probably could ask for a better one, but that would just be greedy.

I have a birthday in 3 weeks (and a day) myself.  I'll be 8 in dog years.  (She's smarter than me too.)

On another subject, my friend Eric's project, the first authorized graphic novel of Robert A. Heinlein's work, has been successfully funded on Kickstarter:
There was 10 Grand left to go 4 days before the deadline.  I put my $100 where my mouth was, and the next time I looked it was funded.  Can I take credit for that?

Anyway, I can retire in 681 days, so you kids get off my lawn.  (Go read a book.)

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