Friday, May 4, 2012

Random Thoughts

The only sort of thoughts I seem to have nowadays.  I'm takin' another stab at this.  I'm gonna try to do this weekly.  I should have been working on it for an hour or so, but I've been arguing with Facebook instead.  This newfangled interwebz thingy is workin' on my last nerve.  I was planning to gripe about Blogger, but now I have to gripe about Facebook first.

What's this Timeline crap?  A couple weeks ago I got some message from one of those games y'all play telling me I had to "upgrade" to Timeline so it could poke into my information.  I must have clicked the wrong thing, because next thing I knew I was being told I had so many days before my Timeline went live.  Well, my days must be up because it's live.  I've  been looking for the "turn the sumbich off" option.  'Tain't there.  But it tells me "Remember: you can always change who can see any post that appears on your timeline."  Right.  I finally found how to "hide" my friends, and interests (I think..., nope, there they are...) but that's about it.  No luck on "Likes" at all.

Okay, to be ABSOLUTELY honest, I'd like the Timeline, if they weren't forcin' the sumbich down my

Now back to Blogger, and Blogspot, which appear to be the same thing.  Now I started this with the hope that somebody might actually find it amusing.  (Let me suffer from that delusion just a little longer, why don'tcha?)  Part of the reason for using Blogger, a Google product, was the hope that people who DON'T know me might find it.  Now, how's that s'posed to happen?

Many years ago, perhaps before Google acquired Blogger (hang on, let me be sure ..., I'll Google it)
Okay, I'm back.  I had to go to Wikipedia to find anything on Google's acquisition of Blogger.
Go figger.

Many years ago, shortly after Google acquired Blogger, I remember being able to browse blogs (I think we called it "surfing") and just stumble across something interesting now and then.  What happened to that?  And why can't anybody that answers questions on the interwebz actually answer the question that has been asked?  (That's a gripe I have in my work life too.  But the ice is sorta thin over there.  Maybe later?  1017 days?)  When I google "how to browse blogspot" I  can find the question, but the answer always tells how to SEARCH for a blog.  d'UH? There's a "Search Blogs" link that ain't that hard to find.  How do you freakin' BROWSE?  (Maybe I should google "Surf Blogspot"?  Nope.  Got blogs on surfing.)

My cousin has blog that comes up on top of a Google search for his screen name (if I can spell it right.)  He also has a "next blog" link at the top.  It never goes to the same blog. but it usually starts me down a path of similarly themed blogs.  How come I ain't got one of those?  How do I get one? Don't get me wrong, I like y'all.  You're some of the best Facebook friends a guy could ask for.  But you're gonna get sick of readin' this soon enough and I'll need sombody else to inflict it on. 

I do see where I can label this thing "Adult Content."  Do I need to do that if I use terms like "crap,"  sumbich" and "WTF?"  (They actually need a label for "Juvenile Content.")

Anyway, as for my Retirement countdown: 1017 days.  I finally got around to checking a 2015 calendar, and 15 Feb falls on a Sunday.  So my retirement will probably begin officially on the 16th, and my last day worked will probably be Friday the 13th.  How appropriate.

Okay, that's all the griping I can think of (for now,) so you kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!