Two things I won't be attending tomorrow: my grandson's college graduation (his grandmother is there, and I'm tending the dogs) and yet another memorial service.
I have just learned of the passing of another of my Scouting mentors:
Winfred Clark "Wink" Chamberlain
March 1, 1921-April 7, 2022
But he lived 101 years, 1 month, and 6 days. That's a pretty good run.
The picture above links to his obituary, which I presume was written by his son Bill, another of my Scouting mentors. (Bill had a principal role in "The Great Staff Walkout of 1976," as recounted in my blog posts dated March 11th & 17th of 2013.)
In the first draft I went down a rabbit hole of Scouting stories, but have since decided that this is not the time.
Back in November I learned that another Scouter I admired had passed. I wasn't blogging then so I failed to mention it here.
Kirby Thomas Rapstein
December 31, 1930 – November 18, 2021
This picture also links to an obituary.
There is also a nice write up here, but you have to scroll down a ways:
I would have linked to the obit in my old home town paper, but it wants me to log in. Maybe it will let you read it for free:
That's all for now. You kids get off my lawn.