Friday, June 12, 2015

Louisiana Rainbow Grand Assembly

This evening I am representing Most Illustrious Grand Master Donald Sonnier and the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons at the opening of the Louisiana Grand Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

One of Those Days

Yesterday was. But I'll get back to that in a minute.

First, about this blog. Looking back I see that this is only my fourth post since I retired. (It is also my first since the Grand York Rite Sessions, but I may get to that later.) I also see that the last 3 have had 5 views each. If you take out mine, and a couple of masochists, I think that leaves bots. I just re-read them and, as usual, didn't have much to say anyway, so I don't suppose I can blame anyone for thinking I retired from blogging too, it sorta looks like I did. Okay, that's enough of that (for now.)

My aunt passed away last Sunday. She was 93, my Dad's oldest sister. His youngest sister is now the only one of his generation left. I would have liked to attend her funeral.

And that brings me back to yesterday. It was one of those days. Basically, I drove to Beaumont for an alternator. Thursday I had my oil changed and my tires rotated, and the car "checked out." They didn't find any problems (and specifically said the battery was "fine.") So I got on the road by 6 AM to drive to Anderson, Texas for my aunt's funeral. As I approached the first traffic light on my way out I noticed my battery light was on..., can you see where I'm going here? I can stop, wait for something to open, get it checked and definitely miss the funeral... OR ... I can take my chances.

You don't want to hear the rest of this whining. I have a new alternator.

Okay, I have nothing to count down to. I let my annual Birthday/Blog Anniversary blog and Letterman's retirement pass without comment. (I did apparently do a first draft on Letterman.) I haven't even followed up on the stuff I mentioned in my 3 blogs since retirement (maybe I'll do that next week?) I have a couple of Masonic things in Alexandria today, but the first is only a 10 minute drive from where I am now.

You kids get off my lawn!