I have very little to say. I want to post something, since next Friday I will be tied up with the Louisiana Grand York Rite Sessions and probably have no time to blog.
I figure this is a good time to start promoting The Day the War Stopped, however.
Even though I have retired, I'm still getting jerked around by the State of Louisiana. I wrote the first draft of this while waiting for a call back. They did, in fact, call me back and (as far as I know) the problem is on its way to being fixed. (This is the State we're talking about.) I'll give them until next week before I whine about it here.
Speaking of whining, I would be interested in learning how the word "Priority" and the phrase "2-Day" are defined by the US Postal Service. And speaking of being retired, I have been for 19 days. That is even less entertaining, if that were possible, than it was last week. However, according to my Google stats, no one has read this blog since I retired (so I haven't gotten any complaints.) Letterman will retire in 75.
You kids get off my lawn!