Friday, August 23, 2013

No Title

I started raw blogging right after my last post.  Griped a lot.  I'm over it now.  Won't inflict it on you.

I can retire in 541 days.  Don't think I'm gonna make it.  Those are calendar days.  According to the website I use to calculate this I have 369 work days left.  Of course Louisiana holidays may vary a little, but we'll go with that.  That's 2952 work hours.  According to today's payroll sheet I have 2558.546 hrs of sick leave and 541.546 annual, for a total of 3100.092 hrs leave.  Just sayin'.

I guess I'll try to hang on for another 541.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Another last minute blog

It's about 10:30 Friday night as I write this.  I usually set these to post at 4:45 PM on Friday, but it's been that kind of week.  But, on the home front, there is no longer a POD in my driveway.

I seem to be obsessed with my neck ties the last couple of weeks.  Today I wore an Elvis tie (as I try to at least twice a year.)  RIP Elvis Aron Presley, who died this day in 1977.  Long Live the King

(Notice I just give the year, not how many it's been [although my count says 36] since last week I proved I can't subtract.  I just tend to drop a decade out of the 21st century.  I can't believe it's been here that long.

I also can't believe it's been 36 years since we lost Elvis.  Three days later we lost the Great American Philosopher and Poet Julius Marx.  He was much older and it went largely unnoticed.

Anyway I can retire in a year and a half, as of yesterday, which is 548 days from today.  So you kids get off my lawn.

(My tie is wearing a tie.  I like that.)

Friday, August 9, 2013

More Ramblings

I didn't blog last week or the week before.  I didn't feel like it, I didn't have anything to say, and as I've said several times I'm tired of blogging the fact that I have nothing to blog about.  But apparently that's not going to stop me this week.

I guess I'll start with what I've been up to.  Not that I think anybody cares, but I guess that's what most folks blog about.  It's been a "busy" couple of weeks (if you can call being over-involved in Masonic activities "busy.")  The two Saturdays were taken up with our local York Rite festival.  (That's not as festive as it sounds.  It's when we get a bunch of Master Masons who want to take the so-called "higher" degrees of the York Rite, and confer said degrees on a large class in a short time.)  If you've seen my Facebook page there are pictures there.  I'll post one here too.  I assisted with the Mark Master, conferred the Most Excellent Master and did my usual role in the Royal Arch.  That was about it for me.

Several evenings have also been taken up with Masonic meetings.  On the fifth Monday in July we moved our Charter to the War Veterans Home and held a meeting with three of our Brethren living there.  We've been doing this periodically for several years.  I don't know how much it means to those Brethren, but we get a lot out of it.  At least I do.

I'm wearing a purple tie today.  It's not an LSU or a Council tie.  The label says it's "Butterfly Study II, Collection Fourteen."  The other side says "(c) 1996 Estate of Jerome J. Garcia."  I really don't see the butterflies, I guess it's abstract.  Anyway, Jerry Garcia died 8 years ago today.  (That's 1995 btw.)  I wore the same tie last Friday.  I should have worn it Thursday, but I forgot.  I wore a different purple tie.  That would have been his 71st birthday.  

Anyway, if I can stay employed for another 555 days I'll be retired.  So get off my lawn.